
I’ve worked as an in-depth researcher for a number of clients in fields as diverse as
  • Philosophy (I specialize in the  philosophy of mind, philosophy of psychiatry/mental illness, philosophy of psychedelics, and philosophy of religion, however I’ve also done work in moral philosophy, continental philosophy, and the philosophy of science.) 
  • Psychology (Psychedelic psychotherapy is where I’ve spent a considerable amount of time, as well as the ethics of care, nature of mental disorders, and health/well-being studies, etc.) 
  • History (The history of psychedelic use and research in America, early American occult practices, North Eastern US Native American religious practices, history of tithing in America, etc.)
  • Religions (I specialize in the history and theology of Mormonism, however I also do work studying pagan religions and the New Age movements, Buddhism, etc.)
I research for
  • Papers
  • Literature reviews
  • Books
  • Personal interests
  • Personal projects

I’m currently working as a researcher in conjunction with the Harvard Divinity School’s Psychedelic Mormonism Working Group. 
More information about my current and past clients is available upon request! 


Psychedelic Integration

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